Messages from Diverse Sources
Friday, April 5, 2024
Immaculate Heart of Mary, the Hour of Your Victory has Come!
Message from Our Lord Jesus to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy on March 30, 2023

Verily I say unto you, create for yourselves a pure heart.
I am at the gates of your heart and I knock, open your heart to Me, My children, Jesus is coming back to Earth to take you with Himself.
Beloved children, this Easter is one of resurrection for many.
My weeping will soon end, I will have completed the Work of Redemption: those who loved Me, followed Me and in Me will be,...those who hated Me and denied Me will be lost.
Immaculate Heart of Mary, the hour of Your Victory has come, advance with Your Children, the little remnant , they are waiting for You. This time is now closed, the northern lights will frame Your arrival. You have been chosen to put an end to the Ancient Serpent, with Your Heel You will crush him and with You all Your Children will be victorious.
My Blessed Mother, Your Calvary was equal to Mine,
You carried in Your Heart My Passion,
You sweated blood together with Your Son Jesus,
You adorned Your Son with glory,
in You will come the great Victory.
My Most Pure Mother, Your Breast has begotten Me,
Your Love for Me is infinite.
You have equaled Your Son,
You have become Divine in Him!
You have shown Your great desire to be Mother of His Children!
You, O Mother, are the Star that shines in the morning, You are the Dawn that rises new, You are shining with Divine Light, ... all will see Who You are, O Mary!
Behold, Your Son is with You, He lives in You and rejoices in You.
Mother of Divine Grace Thou art!!!
Beautiful art Thou, O Mary!
Your gaze is in Me, You breathe of Me, You emanate of My Beauty, You are the splendor of My Love. Easter is in You: Resurrection and Candor.
Take Me still in Your Bosom, O Mother most chaste, let Me feel again the beating of Your Heart as when I was in Your Bosom, embrace Me tightly in You, I need Your comfort! Tomorrow I will rise again and all will be accomplished! The world I will take in Me, everything I will transform into Me, into My infinite Good.
I will take in My Children and give them of Me, in My Grace they will be forever.
Source: ➥